

April 2019

February 2019

Interview with Dr. Rohr of Dentists Without Limits

28. February 2019|Dental|

The Augsburg-based Huiss Dental Laboratory has acquired the golden edition of the Vinyl High Resolution at exocad Insights. “Dentists Without Limits” is the recipient of the entire auction proceeds. While handing over the scanner, we took some time to talk to Dr. Stefan Rohr, the president of Dentists Without Limits, [...]

IDS 2019 starts in a month

12. February 2019|Dental|

Every two years, the excitement and anticipation of the world’s largest dental fair grows in us. The IDS 2019 starts in exactly one month. A lot has happened in the last two years! Of course, we have something new both for those who are interested and for those who already [...]

January 2019

November 2018

That was great!

21. November 2018|Dental|

The first exocad Insights event is over and was a great success! Beside many new contacts, good conversations and interesting partner shows we have offered our Vinyl High Resolution Golden Edition in a silent auction. The total proceeds from the 3D scanner and the basic version of exocad® DentalCAD amount [...]

October 2018

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