exocad Insights 2020 starts in a few weeks

2020-02-25T16:24:19+01:0025. February 2020|

Vom 12. März – 13. März ist es wieder soweit: exocad Insights 2020 öffnen im Darmstadtium ihre Türen. Wir als Teilnehmer und Partner freuen uns auf das Event und gratulieren exocad zum 10-jährigen Firmenjubiläum. Kommt vorbei und macht mit! Auch in diesem Jahr möchten wir allen Teilnehmern die Chance bieten, einen Vinyl High Resolution im [...]

Interview with Dr. Rohr of Dentists Without Limits

2020-01-31T08:11:07+01:0028. February 2019|

The Augsburg-based Huiss Dental Laboratory has acquired the golden edition of the Vinyl High Resolution at exocad Insights. “Dentists Without Limits” is the recipient of the entire auction proceeds. While handing over the scanner, we took some time to talk to Dr. Stefan Rohr, the president of Dentists Without Limits, to learn more about his [...]

The golden scanner – the unique

2020-01-31T07:40:40+01:0013. November 2018|

Our wonderful colleagues in manufacturing have just completed it: Vinyl High Resolution GOLDEN EDITION. It is unique and an absolute special edition. In just one week, this scanner including exocad® DentalCAD will be auctioned in a silent auction at exocad Insights for charity. All proceeds will be donated to the organization Dentists Without Limits Federation, [...]

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